Most kids find themselves occupied by TV, video games, and the internet, all of which consume energy. Though their day-to-day may rely heavily on electronic gadgets, you shouldn’t feel overwhelmed when trying to teach them to be more energy efficient. By using the right energy saving tips, you’ll be able to emphasize energy efficiency without sacrificing any of their precious video game time!
Iceberg Heating & Cooling believes every family member should practice energy efficiency in their Monroe home, including children. Use our tips below to help them cut back on energy usage!
1. Keep Doors and Windows Closed
Whether your kids are coming or going throughout the day, you’ll want to ensure they close the door as soon as they walk in/out. When a door allows air to escape, your HVAC is essentially blowing conditioned air outside. Instead of attempting to condition the entire block, keep doors closed as much as possible.
This goes for windows as well. If your child is leaving their windows open, especially during the HVAC heavy seasons, chances are your energy bill will reflect that. Stress to your children the importance of keeping both windows and doors closed during the summer and winter.
2. Turn off Lights and Electronics When Done
After a late-night gaming session, your child may have passed out with the game console running and the lights turned on. Although the event may have been worth it in their eyes, you might not be too thrilled about all of the wasted energy.
You’ll want to stress to your children to turn off all electronics and lights as soon as they’re done. Or consider a specific time in the house when everyone “unplugs” and reads or enjoys an activity that does not require electricity.
Items such as game consoles, computers, and laptops all drain considerable energy when left turned on and plugged in. Lights left on in empty rooms waste both energy and a bulb’s lifespan; make sure rooms are dark when empty.
To further maximize energy saving during your children’s gaming time, check out this article from Energy Star, a government program focused on energy efficiency.
3. Conserve Water Usage in the Bathroom
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, most water we use comes from the bathroom, with showers, toilets, and faucets being the main contributors. To help ensure your kids don’t waste water going about their daily routines, you’ll want to follow these essential steps:
- Take Showers Instead of Baths
- Limit Showers to 10 Minutes
- Turn Off the Faucet When Brushing Teeth
- Flush Toilets Minimally
- Don’t Dispose of Trash in the Toilet
4. Utilize Sunlight for Warmth and Activity
With Michigan generally on the chilly side, a little sunlight can go a long way. Instead of your kids turning up the heater to stay warm, allow some natural sunlight to offer some toasty comfort at virtually no cost!
As an added benefit, sunlight can also act as a formidable substitute for indoor lighting. Consider having your kids open their blinds instead of turning on their lights to save even more energy!
5. Practice Proper Thermostat Usage
An HVAC system accounts for almost 50% of energy usage in U.S. homes, meaning controlling your thermostat efficiently will help immensely on your energy bill. Lecture your kids on using a thermostat properly:
- Keep temperatures at a reasonable 68-75 degrees during cold weather. Consider using sweaters to stay warm without turning up the heat any higher.
- Learn to live with your heater turned low at night. Utilize thermal blankets and sweaters to stay warm.
- Never leave the heater blasting while no one is home. Dial it back if you’re the last person to leave.
Keep peace of mind as your kids enjoy their favorite activities with our energy saving tips! If you feel your energy efficiency is still not adequate, the problem may be with your HVAC system. Give Iceberg Heating & Cooling a call at 734-342-3420 for affordable HVAC heating and cooling maintenance in your Monroe home.